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Movie Review: Godmothered

Michael's Movie Grade: D- Note: This film is only available on Disney+ Unfunny and kind of annoying fantasy comedy. This movie is extremely reminiscent of Elf and Enchanted, but isn't as charming or funny as either. Even the main character often feels like a (very) poor man's version of Buddy the Elf. With this film only being available for home viewing this becomes a bigger problem as you begin wondering why you aren't just watching the aforementioned options instead. Godmothered mostly relies on the comedy of a character from another world confused by the things in our world. Not only have we see this a whole lot of times before, but many of those times were quite a bit funnier than this. These jokes feel so forced and I honestly don't remember if I laughed once while watching this. You can tell that Jillian Bell is really trying her, but no matter how hard she tries she can't make these jokes funny. This wouldn't be so bad if the movie relied more on its sentiment or characters, but sadly they too often this film is bad joke after bad joke. This is not to say though that the less comedic parts of this movie work, because they really don't. While I don't except or want subtly from a movie like this, it would still be preferable to how this movie beats you over the head with what it is trying to say. It feels like the dialogue is constantly saying flat out how the filmmakers want you to feel. So much of this dialogue is not only forced but unnecessary as they are saying what we already have inferred by the story. This gets much worse with the ending. Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with movies having messages but the execution is not that good. At this point it began to feel like I was listening to a motivational speaker instead of watching a movie and it kept going on long after I got the point it was trying to make. All and All skip this movie. -Michael J. Ruhland


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