Michael's Movie Grade: B- A highly enjoyable and fast paced animated comedy, that gives us just the amount of escapism we need right now. Like the first movie what makes this film stand out is the sheer likability of the main characters. As zany and over the top as these characters can get at times, deep down they are really a family and the family bond between them feels real and genuine. This bond allows the movie to go over the top for comedy's sake while still not losing the emotional center of the story. As well as the characters from the previous movie I found myself really liking the character of Dawn. She is not only funny and likable but her relationship with Eep was very well handled. I like how the filmmakers did not go the obvious route and make them romantic rivals for Guy. Instead they have a fantastic friendship and the obvious clash over Guy never actually happens. The look of this film is also fantastic. Not only does this movie look beautiful but every visual on screen has a point to play in the story and the look draws you further into the film. The voice acting is fantastic here as well. While there are major celebrities in the voice cast, in the best DreamWorks tradition the actors never feel like they were cast because of their celebrity status but because of how well they fit the characters. This is a very fast paced and energic film and it throws plenty of jokes at us quickly. These jokes can range from very funny to not funny at all. However there are more than enough jokes that work, that we can forgive the weaker ones. Though I will say the window joke while decently funny at first is not funny enough to repeat the amount of times the filmmakers do throughout the movie. My biggest complaint about this movie was the Bettermen parents. However I will admit they could have been much worse. These characters are not too annoying or unlikable, but instead they are just bland when compared to characters like Eep and Grug.
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